Thursday, September 30, 2010

An Indian Birthday

So this weekend I will be skipping my Humanities class to go to Chicago. Why Chicago you ask? Well because I have a birthday to go to. Friends of the family, who are from India, have invited my mother and I to join them for baby #2's birthday.  So I ask you Internet, have you ever been to an Indian birthday?

Now I'm not saying that it will be all bollywood and what not, but there will be some differences. Like, will there be cake? Or do I get some awesome Indian food?  A's parents have come over for Indian so they will be there and I know old neighbors of A and P's will be there as well. So will my mom and i be the only caucasian people there? Am i going to stand out?...

The answer to the later is yes. I always stand out and I cant speak Tamil....shit.

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