Friday, September 24, 2010

Art Prize and Tardiness

Yes I know I am late in updating. i believe I missed yesterday and a Friday some day back awhile ago. BUT! I have an excuse. I was writing an article for the newspaper, something which even though I would like to do for the rest of my life I have no previous experience with. So I have been totally focused on that and making it the best I can without being too wordy or too dull.

OH and while running through downtown trying to piece together my story I ran into one of the artists. yes I really did. It was quite weird because I had just taken a few pictures of his work and was writing down his name when I hear "Hi! I'm Ben!" The name sign saying Benjamin I figured they were one and the same which was awesome because my friend A had seen him earlier and announced how attracted she was to him.  However I was the only one lagging behind so I got to talk to Ben and explain what I was doing and why I was taking a ton of pictures. He was a really friendly guy who asked my name and what I thought of art Prize, etc. Out of all of the artists I met he was the only one who did not pressure me to vote which will probably win him my vote. :)

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